
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Just over 12 weeks to go?

It's been a while.  I wasn't officially training, just working out when I could.  I got married, moved across the country 3 days later and now am trying to settle in to my new life.  But within my first few weeks here I got bored and realized I needed to train again and have a focus.  So I registered for the PF Chang Rock 'n' Roll full marathon in January of 2014.  It will be convenient since it is right in Phoenix.  I hired a marathon coach (from afar) and have committed myself to a level of training I have not done in quite some time.
The runs are comfortable for now but I am finding I have new challenges.  This will be the first time I have trained all of my long runs on my own.  I have to get through the mental challenge of running 8, 10, 16 miles by myself.  And yup it can get boring.  In the long run I feel this will end up working to my advantage, I will be able to mentally get through the 26.2 miles, I will have already prepared myself to run by myself.
The other major challenge is trying to explain to my husband so that he truly understands the commitment I have undertaken.  I have not run a full marathon since we have been together.  It's explaining that it isn't always easy to just change which day my long run is on.  Or that I have to eat after my long run, not a few hours later, like within an hour.  It's trying to have him understand my training is now a huge focus in my life.  Finally I went through all of my old emails and found one from my very first marathon on team Joints In Motion with Coach Vic.  Vic wrote weekly training emails and he wrote one to the friends and family of the marathoner, something 8 years I still think parts of it are very useful and others I ignore.  I had my husband read this email hoping it would provide him with a little more insight of what this is all about.
Now that I am training again it is time to start writing about it again.  I am getting to run my 9th marathon with ankylosing spondolysis, something that every single one of my rheumatologist gets excited about.

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