
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wed Dec 30th 2009: Boston Marathon 2010???

So if you have been reading my blog you will see that I officially announced I would not be running the Boston Marathon for the Arthritis Foundation this spring and would be looking for a different marathon. It was a hard decision but the right one with school...that is until everything changed today.
I am very excited to say I will be running the 2010 Boston Marathon. I will be running with and for the Newton Fire Department. Bryan said "these are worth millions" as he held the number out in front of me and I gave him a hug. I will be fundraising for Newton Fire with a goal of $1000. Please watch for emails from me, I won't have a website but will explain how donations can be maid. (basically I will be collecting them and then turning them in).
Now I need to get rid of this cold and then I can start seriously training.

Tues Dec 29th: still sick

My goal for Tuesday was a run and Group Centergy. I woke up still feeling very blah from my cold so decided to rest for the day. I spend my day on the couch sleeping as much as possible before work...which didn't really help since I went to work with no voice.

Mon Dec 28th, 2009: Start lifting before the New Year

I work in a me I am well aware of New Years resolutions. So my goal is add strength training back into my regular training schedule. I did it all last spring regularly and I feel it made a huge difference with my runs. I am fighting a cold but through sweating it out might help...I did Brian's painful workout check it out below.
I do the exercises in pairs alternating back and forth until 3 sets of each has been accomplished:
Bulleted List
  • Chest Press on ball
  • Pull Backs
  • Skull Crushers
  • Bench crunches

  • butterflies on ball
  • knees to chest on ball

  • butterflies seated
  • scissor kicks

  • overhead press
  • 1 hand deadlift

  • pendulums

Sun. Dec 27th 2009: Swenson Family work out or to eat??

Well today was our Swenson family Christmas! This is a great day full of fun, laughter and lot's of food. Hmmm running before going to eat probably should have happened. I tried to balance it in while cooking for the day and getting ready to hit the road before it got too late. But it didn't happen. I instead opted for Scott Herman's ab routine (the one I posted the other day) which yet again has made my abs scream at me!!! Thanks Scott!! :)
After having done this I joined all but one cousin, we missed you Sarah, who we still got to talk to on the phone while she is in Australia. (I have since gotten her bbm # so I can text her on a regular basis which I love!). Check out all the family below...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sat. December 26th, 2009

Today I was able to fit some cross-training in very briefly. I used the pre-core for 30 minutes tonight working on my cardio. I know it is not the same as running and I do need to start lifting again as well but this worked for today. :)

Fri Dec. 25th, 2009: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody. I did not run today but had a wonderful day with family and friends.

Wed. Dec 23, 2009 - Cursing out Scott!

Ok so this morning was an ab workout day because I didn't have time to get in for a lift before work. But I am slowly returning to my regular workouts. Now to figure out what marathon I am running in the spring... I have finally officially decided not to run the 2010 Boston Marathon for the Arthritis Foundation. This is a cause that is incredibly important to me however I cannot balance the fundraising with nursing school I still need a spring marathon so I am starting to research them and find one.

My workout this morning consisted of 2 full sets of Scott Herman's ab exercise routine for the holiday's! He made me wanna cry!! haha - thanks Scott!
So here is what I did for my workout today:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tues. Dec 22, 2009: It's time to train again

I know there is a theme going on but it truly is time to train again. I don't have a number for the Boston Marathon yet and may not be running it for the first time in 5 years. This makes me very sad but I know I cannot possibly fundraise $3000 while working and going to school full time. So in order to stay motivated it is time to pick out another spring marathon.......idea's anyone?
This morning I layered up and headed out for a run. I didn't bring my watch but ran 3 miles heading out on familiar ground towards Comm Ave.
The run felt great despite the cold and I was warm within minutes. Now to get some consistency in my workouts....I would choose the week of Christmas to do try and do this!

Thur. Dec. 17th 2009: running out frustrations

Ok so I was grumpy tonight. It has been a very long week at work and sometimes people are just dumb and mean. It was time for me to go for a run! I considered running outside but I just couldn't imagine all the layers so I decided to suck it up and find a treadmill. I ran 3 miles not quite sure of my pace except I probably should have started slower since I haven't run since Philadelphia but oh well.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fri December 11th, 2009: Finals Ate My Life

"Finals Ate My Life" that say's it all. I haven't done anything this week and my eating habits have been awful (apparently cookie dough is not a main food group and as delicious as it is you must be running too to have it!). I have had exams and papers like crazy! The good news is all the worse parts are out of the way!! My Sociology group rocked our presentation today and who knows how that Ethics final went, I think Father John liked me today so I should be all set. I have one final left on Tuesday. I may try to run between studying tomorrow but if I don't I refuse to feel guilty about it. Come Tuesday everyone can start to give me a hard time again!

Monday December 7, 2009: still working on returning

I am still getting back into the swing of things for working out and recovery from the marathon. Today was 20 minutes on the pre-core while studying for times.

Wednesday Dec 2, 2009: Apparently the free weights aren't just a part of my tour

Yup apparently that free weight area - it's not just a part of my tour when I am doing membership sales at work. It is also there for me to use. Hmm. I went in today to try this whole weight lifting routine....again. I made it through half my workout today - not bad since it is still probably a bit early for me to be lifting post-marathon.
Chest Press x 3 sets
Bench Crunches
Pull Backs x 3 sets
Bench Crunches - diamond's
Skull Crushers x 3 sets
Bench Crunches x 3 sets
Butterflies on ball x 3 setsLeg Raises
Butterflies seated x 3 setsScissor Kicks x 3 sets

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday 1 Dec 2009: Return to Cross Training

This morning was my return to cross-training for the first time since the marathon just over a week ago. It was short and sweet, just enough to get the blood flowing and to get rid of any extra energy before 3 hours of lecture today!
I did 20 minutes of the precore and felt great. Yup that's about it.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Race Report: Philadelphia Marathon 2009

Well it has been over a week (I started this about 24 hours after I finished) since I was just finishing up the Philadelphia marathon. (I may have been done by this point but my brain isn't completely there yet). It was a very fun weekend and I had a great race. So here is my story....
Bob and I left on the train Fri morning to head down to Philly. I have to agree with Bob - this is a great way to least the going down part. I was able to do a great deal of school work along the way (while Bob took naps). We arrived in Philly mid-afternoon, heading to our hotel to drop off our stuff and head over to the expo. Along our walk to the expo we decided lunch was a necessity! Thank goodness for Bob's iphone which gave us a lift of restaurants in the area and also provided us with a map with directions from where we were standing to our destination. All though after a few times in the wrong direction we did have the conversation of "don't you know how to put yourself in the map?". This of course resulted in a look of "you've really lost it now" from Bob. We eventually made it to the expo and the great part was no one was there! Bob explained to one company how the could be more efficient in their display...he made such an impact they remembered him the next day. That night consisted of dinner and drinks with more friends and getting ready for Sunday.
Saturday was back to the expo to meet up with Laura and Katie and then off to kill sometime until Erin and the kido's arrived. We ended up on a duck tour of Philly, something I have never done! We went to see the Liberty bell with Erin and the kid's before going back to the hotel so the kid's could swim in the pool. After leaving them, it was time for a delicious dinner with Phil and Melissa. On our way back to the hotel we came across a guy in a living room with windows from ceiling to floor -hmmm interesting. And you won't appreciate the entertainment we found in this but Melissa and I will forever laugh at the pictures we took. It was time to go back to the hotel so we could all head to bed. AFter all the marathon was starting at 7am.
I managed to sleep well Saturday night, which is excellent since my alarm went off just before 5AM! It was time to get up, eat, get dressed and get ready to go. (oh yes the alarm originally went off at 2:22AM to call my brother and wish him a happy birthday...22 years in a row now I have either snuck in and woke him or called and woke him to wish him a happy birthday at the time he was born!). I met Bob, Melissa and Phil in the lobby to head over the start line which was walking distance from our hotel. It was a chilly start but the sun was coming up and it was time to get ready to go. Once at the start line there wasn't much we had to do other than use the bathrooms, check our bags and go to our corrals. Phil was great marathon support that morning putting up with all our craziness. Melissa had convinced her friend Jen to run the marathon as her first marathon ever, I met Jen as we headed to our corrals....who knew I was meeting someone I quickly would be come a friend with! As we headed off Jen and I stuck together, we often were back and forth every few miles but always re-connecting every few miles and getting to run together again. I caught Phil somewhere between miles 11-12 and handing off my fuel was annoying me! Come the halfway point I was feeling strong and still consistently keeping a 9:24min/mi pace! A lot of the race is a blur: I distinctly remember the orange slices on our way out to the 2nd out and back, during miles 18-20 I wanted to cry wondering why I was still doing this, then there were brownies in bite sizes given out at a water stop...those were the most amazing thing! I remember Jen coming up behind me at one point when I was struggling and she re-motivated me that there was 6 miles left! Jen and I ran the last 6 miles together, what a great experience. I learned at mile 25.5 that giving birth to 2 children is a hell of a lot easier than running a marathon....clearly Jen had not hit a runner's high yet!! As I crossed the finish I knew my time was below 4:25 but was dying to know the official time! I was ecstatic to discover I had set a new PR by 15 minutes of 4:23:38!!!!!
After stumbling back to the hotel, showers and phone calls to families it was food time with 8 of us! Of course there were several adult beverages to be consumed along the way. Next was the martini bar with the couches, stuffed hippo chairs, and the interigation window you could see through into the men's and women's bathrooms (yup Melissa and I got caught staring through it!). A few Philly cheese steaks later, Bob and I missed our train...he had a blonde moment (they are contagious) and mis-read the sign. We eventually made it home to Boston at 8:15 Monday morning.
It was an amazing weekend and yes my story is long. The marathon was a wonderful experience. My body responded better than I could have ever expected. Although part of the enjoyment is the entire weekend.
Enjoy! stay tuned for whatever I am up to next

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I haven't been slacking....

Hey everybody - I promise I haven't been slacking on the runs I just haven't been getting everything logged in here! I am going to start with the Reach The Beach (RTB) race report and then get myself back on track!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday August 11th 2009

Today was a short are the Stats:

Total Distance: 2.27 mi
Total Time: 22:41.74
Average Pace: 9:59/mi

Saturday August 8th 2009: 8 miles of Good Times

This morning I went to Forever Fit to meet up with the teammates to run along the Charles River.

Ok so I must confess it is several days later and I am just getting around to posting this...I am working on doing better. So in general look below!

Run Info:
Total Distance: 8.0 mi
Course: Charles River...Cambridge Side
Total Time: 1:17.54
  • Mile 1 9:31.37
  • Mile 2 9:26.67
  • Mile 3 9:38.43
  • Mile 4 9:43
  • Mile 5 10:21.15
  • Mile 6 7:47.97 & 1:31.05
  • Mile 7 10:02.28
  • Mile 8 9:48.16
Average Pace: 9:33/mi

Thursday August 6th 2009: And It's A Pass

Ok so this post is not a training run or a lift BUT I passed my Anatomy & Physiology CLEP today so that is all that matters!!!!

Wednesday August 5th, 2009: Running Out Away From Anatomy & Physiology

Ok for those who do not know I am working to test out of 2 classes this summer...Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology. I arrived home my vacation to Texas late last night but needed to fit in a very short run somewhere along the way today. So it didn't happen until tonight but I got something in. I did about 3.0mi, just enough to try and run some of the nervous about my exam tomorrow morning out of my system. Everybody keep your fingers crossed that I pass my exam tomorrow!!!

Saturday August 1st, 2009: Running In Portland Texas

So here I am on vacation and I have already been to a Stroller Striders class and then this morning I went and had to fit in a longer run. I set my alarm for early so I could start my alarm for around 6:30AM so I could get in my 6miles before the heat was too much. I got myself together along with my fuel belt and went off to explore the area during my 6 mile run. The beginning on this run was a struggle for me as my legs were dead (probably from Melissa and her damn lunges) but I got over the first half and continued on my way. It was fun to run somewhere new...I was very proud to get my run in during my vacation.

Run Info:
Course: all around Portland, Texas
Distance: 6.0 mi
Time: 1:03:13
  • Mile 1 10:35.16
  • Mile 2&3 23:03.12
  • Mile 4 11:15.08
  • Mile 5 9:44.38
  • Mile 6 8:40.60

Friday July 31st, 2009: Stroller Striders

So here I am on vacation visiting one of my cross-country teammates from college and I am working on fitting in my workouts! Melissa is a Stroller Striders instructor so off to class we went. Although I may not have done much for my cardio workout I believe I will be cursing Melissa out for a while to come due to the squats, pin wheel lunges and core strengthening! But what a wonderful time I had with her.

Tuesday July 28th, 2009

So the watch didn't come with me today....I just ran until I didn't feel like it. I would say it was somewhere around 3.0 miles maybe a little more. I just needed to run studying Anatomy & Physiology out of my system....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday July 26th, 2009....I did a recovery run???

I don't know why but I don't do recovery runs. Yup Coach Duncan and Coach Vic you just read that correctly! I do walk around and stretch out but I don't do recovery runs. Today however was a very special exception. My Aunt Cheri and good friend Michelle were participating in the Danskin Triathlon. Last year Aunt Cheri did this with me, but due to my knee not loving biking I choose not to this year. This was Michelle's first triathlon ever and she did great! A few weeks ago Michelle was very close to not doing it! After some discussion we agreed that I would hop into the run with her. Hence my recover run of 3 miles.
Everyone who participated in Danskin today did amazing! It was a wonderful experience.

Aunt Cheri finishing Michelle & I during the run

Saturday July 25th, 2009...A time trial

Well according to Duncan's email today was supposed to be a time trial run. Hmmmm that sounds fast to me but it actually wasn't bad. After Coach Duncan's begging email we had a few more people at this Saturday's run which was really nice. We got to see familiar faces like Paci and Glen, met Christine who is new to the NY team, and Laura who is also running NY.
The goal of today's run was consistency. We need to do this run at our marathon pace the entire time. (making it diferent than a run where we are aiming for negative splits). Today was along the Charles River again and yet again a warm summer day.

Run Info:
Distance: 8.0miles
Time: 1:18:54
Average Pace: 9:51 min/mi
  • Miles 1 & 2 : 19:37:07
  • Milese 3&4: 19:48:89
  • Mile 5: 10:05.85
  • Mile 6: 9:48.80
  • Mile 7: 9:51.44
  • Mile 8: 9:41.20
ok so overall...fairly consistent just not perfect :)

Thursday July 23rd, 2009....Happy Birthday Jessica!

Happy 27th Birthday Jessica!!!!! (clearly today is my cousins birthday!!)

Today was a hard workout for me...but enjoyable. It consisted of a short hard run with accelerations to be followed by Group Power. The run was short on time so I had to push to get it in and Group Power always kicks my butt.

Run Info:
Distance: 3.0

My best P.T. yet.....

So I missed both my cross-trainings and my run on Tuesday but it was all for a good reason! I had probably the best pt of my life ....hanging out with an old friend. We spent about 2 days just talking and catching up...what a wonderful time. I will do this any day, anytime, sometimes a good healthy dose of reality check is necessary.

Saturday July 18th, 2009....Time To Return To The Team

Ok it is a Saturday and it is time for me to be more consistent in returning to my teammates on our long runs. Problem was is where did the rest of the team go?? This morning there was 4 of us including Coach Duncan. hmmm....time to start emailing the team! We were doing 10-12miles on the Newton Hills, my plan was to do 8miles. Although going to bed Friday night I was not sure anyone was running but me and Bob so I had figured I would my absolute best to run 10 miles with him or keep with him for as long as I could on my way out, turn and let him catch me on the way back. Thankfully neither of these plans needed to occur. Bob, Sean, Duncan and I ran the first 4 miles together and then Duncan ran my last 4 miles with me.

Run Info:
Distance: 8 mi
Time: 1 hour 19 min
Course: Newton Hills - which is Forever Fit out to the marathon course, up heartbreak and back
Weather: Miserable! It was 79 and 100% humidity when we started!!!

Thursday July 16th, 2009....1000mile thursday

Skirt Sports is encouraging everyone they know to get their bodies moving on Thursdays so today was my first contribution to their milage!
Distance 4.0mi
Time: 39 min
Course: along the charles river

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday July 15th 2009: I Signed Up For What???

Ok I apparently decided I don't have enough going on this fall with my 3rd Reach The Beach Relay, The Philadelphia Marathon 2009 on November 22nd, and of course finally starting nursing school.
I decided to register for the BAA Half Marathon in October, something I have never done. Everyone loves it so I am all set to run it. I guess I should stick with this whole training thing...on that note today was another strength training day.

Same as always: I do 2 exercises alternating back and forth between the 2 until I have covered 3 sets of each.

  • Chest Press x 3 sets 15 lbs
  • Bench Crunches

  • Pull Backs x 3 sets 20lbs
  • Bench Crunches - diamond's

  • Skull Crushers x 3 sets 5 lbs
  • Bench Crunches x 3 sets

  • Butterflies on ball x 3 sets
  • Leg Raises

  • Butterflies seated x 3 sets
  • Scissor Kicks x 3 sets

  • Overhead press x 3 sets
  • 1 Hand deadlift x 3 sets

  • Pendulums

Tuesday July 14th 2009: Multi-Tasking During My Run Is Ok, Right?

Today I drove to the garage to drop off the jeep and what a great way to force me into my run! I am still working on my motivation level and getting into a routine. But as always I have much I wanted to get done....
I ran 1.5mi after I dropped off the jeep and then was at my nail salon, so I went in for a break and getting a color change on my nails. (I believe if any of my coaches are reading this they are currently horrified!) Then I finished my run by cranking out another 1.5 miles making my totals:
Distance: 3.0mi
Time: 28:00

.....yup that's right you're seeing old wonderful Garmin Running Watch was found and returned!!

Monday July 13th 2009: Back to strength training and such

Yup that's right I am back to strength training. It's not fun, it's not enjoyable but apparently it must be done. (Or so they keep telling me and with me getting faster in my marathon times I don't dare argue!)
Today was upper body and core strengthening first thing in the morning. I don't know how many reps I did except I do as before...alternate between the 2 exercises for 3 sets going until I want to die then 2 more
  • Chest Press x 3 sets
  • Bench Crunches

  • Pull Backs x 3 sets
  • Bench Crunches - diamond's

  • Skull Crushers x 3 sets
  • Bench Crunches x 3 sets

  • Butterflies on ball x 3 sets
  • Leg Raises

  • Butterflies seated x 3 sets
  • Scissor Kicks x 3 sets

  • Pendulums

Thursday July 9th, do we keep not running together???

This morning was supposed to be a run with Bob at 8:30am to be followed by Group Power at 9:30am. Hmmmm none of this went as planned!! Bob called me at 8ish to tell me a co-worker was throwing up at work so he needed to bail on the run, then Alicia couldn't make Group Power! I continued on my studies until mid-morning until I went and ran a short 3 miles....can't give you any info as I still have no watch!! One of these days I will suck it up and buy a new one....

Tuesday July 7th, 2009: Cross Training And Studying....

Ok so it doesn't seem that enjoyable but today I was stressing about studying so decided to add it into my workout. Today was 40minutes of cross training on the eliptical with my Anatomy & Physiology notes in front of me....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday July 6th 2009: All Abs

No I haven't just been slacking on posting...I have been slacking in general. I did finally register for the 2009 Philadelphia Marathon. I also spent my time this week submerged in studying to test out of both Microbiology and Anatomy & Physiology this summer.

Today however I dragged myself out of bed to at least do something!! I did a half hour video of ab workouts. Trust me I will be feeling that tomorrow!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tuesday June 23rd 2009: Making up for yesteday

So yesterday's lift didn't happen and I can't seem to get myself quite back into the routine I need. Today I ran 3miles and then went to Group Power with Alicia. I was told after class I need to put more weight on my bar (ugh it was hard enough as it was!). But I do have to say I am feeling the workout.
I don't have any of my information for my run as my Garmin Running watch is MIA and apparently never to be seen again. :(

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Monday June 22nd 2009: Hmmmm today didn't happen

So my plan today was to do strength training. I spent Father's day with my Dad enjoying some necessary R&R. I worked all day today, covering for both myself and a co-worker and by the time we had done all we did and 2100 rolled around I found I had little interest in going to do my workout.
Hmmm.....this is a problem.
I decided to go home and rest as that is what my body was craving. Tomorrow I am going to go for a run and then take Group Power with Alicia. Although first thing on my list....go tear my car apart and see if I can find my Garmin running watch!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Time To Start Again....

Ok I know I haven't updated my Boston Marathon 2009 Post yet and I will get there. There have been lot's of ups and downs in my life but it is time to start training again. I have not figured out what I am exactly training for but will get there.
In this past week I ran 3 miles on Tuesday, did a cable workout with Brian on Wednesday (I was still having choice words for him through Friday), another 3 miles on Thursday, Friday was straight up Core Strengthening and then Saturday was about 4miles.
I have mis-placed my Garmin running watch (and am not pleased about it) which is making it a little more difficult to keep my runs honest. My goal this week is to either find my watch or suck it up and purchase a new one.
I will be updating my blog again and I have been doing my workouts on Twitter.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday April 18th, expo trip #2

I learned half way through the week a small group from my team were planning on doing a 2 mile run to be followed by a trip to the expo. I didn't want to be left out so I figured why not go twice?! We all met up at Jenny and Megan's apartment and headed out for a short 2 mile jog along the river. Ok so my jog was a little fast when I thought running with Greg was a great idea (aka Fast Guy) but that's ok. The expo was a lot of fun, especially being with so many people who have never done this before. After the expo we all headed home to rest for the afternoon before team dinner. We had our team pasta dinner tonight at Jamie's house. Jamie is not running Boston this year as she is too busy coaching a group of at risk high school students to their first marathon 2 weeks after Boston. (stay tuned to the blog after the marathon for more information about this group they are amazing!)
We had good food, lot's of laughs and of course speeches by Coach Duncan and Vic. There was a DVD of pictures of us throughout the year, most of which caused us laughter and remembering how cold we were!!! Tonight is the night of sleep for the marathon so soon I will be heading that way but before I do....
Jess Zacka has been a member of Forever Fit since I started working there two years ago, she was quite and never really said a lot to me until she started training for the marathon with us. Unfortunetly she has suffered a stress fracture in both of her shins and will be on the sidelines cheering us on tomorrow.
Two weeks and 2 days ago I was on the phone with Bob and he was whining because he felt like he had a fever. Unforutnetly not only did he have a fever but he has been miserable sick from a virus ever since. Bob will not be running the Boston marathon with us this year as he is at home trying to get healthy. It is hard to believe that this will be my first marathon without him! But that's ok, we are already bickering about my finishing time (you know I need to run faster now just to prove him wrong!!) Feel better Captain Bob!!
I am off until Monday. Please wish me luck and follow my progress at bib #26209

Friday April 17th, 2009 Time To Get My Number

Today I met Emily at her place, picked her up and we headed in to get our Marathon numbers. Emily and I picked up our numbers with our bags with all of our information. We wandered around for a while running into other teammates and marathon buddies. So much excitement!!!

Go to and my bib number is 26209 to track my progress

Monday, April 13, 2009

Saturday March 28th - The 2009 Charity Run!

Today was the famous Charity Run. For those of you who are not familiar let me explain. As you know there are several charities in the area that have people running the Boston Marathon on their behalf and running for their cause. All of these charities are very important with an important story to tell, every single one of these runners also have an important story to tell. If you ever meet someone who runs for a charity - ask why....they have an important story. On the longest Saturday training run of the year several of these charity teams head out to Hopkinton to the Boston Marathon Start line on bus to run back in. (Although the BAA does not love this race I believe it is the only one sanctioned charities are "allowed" to do from Hopkinton).
I was up very early to meet Christie out at the mile 16 marker to park my car, as my longest run this training season is 16 miles and needed a ride home once I got there. She and I then headed into BC to park her car and meet our teammates at the bus. We were greeted by Vic wearing a fat women's costume dressed in her Hawaiian attire and a bright green wig! Yup - our team is one of a kind. We each checked in and got on the bus. Bab's was there to provide water support, Bab's and I have run 2 Boston Marathon's together and I miss having her on the team. Also providing support was Pete who was on my first marathon team. Alway
s wonderful to see familiar faces.
Our Lovely Waterstop Crew

We got out to Hopkinton, with only one stop at the rest stop on the way, and gathered around the start line for a picture.

Emily and I found eachother to start, out goal being to run the entire thing together. Hopefully with the help of my watch and eachother we would stay on a targeted pace. Coach Duncan wanted me/us to take it on the slower side....we did our best at this.
Emily and I had a great run that day! We ran 16 miles talking the entire time and keeping a wonderful pace. I hope we have this much fun on Marathon Monday. The weather warmed up as the sun came out and I was down to a tank top at one point. :) I picked up my car at mile 16 and then proceeded to pick up Emily at Mile 18!
Run Info:
Distance: 16.06 miles
Course: Marathon route - starting in Hopkinton
Overall Time: 2:34:34
  • Mile 1 9:56
  • Mile 2 9:30
  • Mile 3 10:00
  • Mile 4 9:37
  • Mile 5 9:31
  • Mile 6 9:56
  • Mile 7 9:44
  • Mile 8 8:45
  • Mile 9 10:15
  • Mile 10 9:21
  • Mile 11 9:26
  • Mile 12 9:46
  • Mile 13 9:18
  • Mile 14 9:36
  • Mile 15 9:54
  • Mile 16 9:35
Average Pace: 9:37 min/mi

Thursday March 26th

Today was yet again another light day for me. We have our longest run of the training season on Saturday and I still don't feel well. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to hopefully get on something for this sinus infection. :(
Distance: 4.0mi
Time: unknown
Course: out to the marathon course and back

Tuesday March 24th - Just to keep those legs moving

Today was a day where I needed to fit in a run just to keep my legs moving. This is a crazy busy week for me between training and school and my fundraising party! I have the charity run on Saturday starting out in Hopkinton and then my big Luau for Arthritis Saturday night. I also think I may be fighting a sinus infection.
Today I hit the river run doing 4.5 miles at a slow jog without my watch. I enjoyed my time alone with my running and ipod.

Monday March 23rd...working for a rock solid core!!

Today is a cross training day and I have been slacking on my strength training lately. I got in a great core strengthening workout in today.

4x25 bicycle crunches
4x25 supermans (I don't know...that's what Jamie always called them)
4x25 bench crunches with 5lb weight between feet
4x25 single leg raises per leg
4x25 scissor kicks
of course side laying planks :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday March 21st - and 13 miles it is

Today is a 13 mile run for me today, a big run in my eyes. I have this run and my 16miler next weekend to be ready for the marathon. I know that I have done this type of training schedule before and that it has proven to work well for my body - however it is still very nerve wracking to be doing a training schedule so different than the rest of the team.
I headed out and just started running however I was feeling comfortable, fast and had a great run. We did the city run today starting at Forever Fit, heading to Walnut st. out to Comm Ave following the marathon course until it was time to turn around and head back.

Run Info:
Distance: 13 miles
Total time: 1:58:42
  • Mile 1: 9:19
  • Mile 2: 9:11
  • Mile 3: 8:56
  • Mile 4: 8:52
  • Mile 5: 8:48
  • Mile 6: 9:18
  • Mile 7: 8:40
  • Mile 8: 9:22
  • Mile 9: 9:45
  • Mile 10: 9:15
  • Mile 11: 8:44
  • Mile 12: 9:08
  • Mile 13: 9:05
Average Pace: 9:06 min/mi

Thursday March 19th - Can I run the stiffness out of me???

To begin with I am STILL sore from my Kettlebell workout on Monday. This is not helping my training between now and marathon time. I will not be doing that again anytime soon. I also woke up still this morning so I decided to try and see if I could run my stiffness out of me. I left my Garmin at home, grabbed my ipod and just headed out along the river.
I ran 3.5 miles and by the ended was finally loosening up and not feeling quite so sore. All is good and I will be resting up tomorrow before running my 13 miles on Saturday.

Wednesday March 18th - I'm still sore

I am still sore from my Kettlebell workout on Monday! So I decided to skip my normal lift and do just a core strengthening workout. Today consisted of several crunches & stretching.

Tuesday March 17th - Happy St. Patick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!
This morning I headed out by myself early for a short fun run. I had to get it done quickly so I only did 4 miles. It was chilly this morning but I knew it was the only time I had to get it in all day.

Overall time: 38:20 ...and that's all I know :)
course: out to the marathon course and back.

Monday March 16th - Kettlebells Are NOT My Friend

This morning I met with Jake, one of the personal trainer's at Forever Fit, to do a kettlebell workout. For those of you who have never heard of kettlebells (go google it!) it is a bell like weight with a handle. The entire workout is about momentum - as I soon found out. I unfortunately do not know which exercises we did I just know there was quite a few and a lot of work!!
However this workout took a treamednous toll on my legs so I will probably not being a Kettlebell workout again between now and the marathon!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunday March 15th - Time For A Down Week

Today was a down week for me before going back up in my mileage to get ready for the marathon. My longest run will be in 2 weeks during the charity run. (To be celebrated by our Hawaiian Luau party that night!). Christie and I got up early to go drop my Jeep off at mile 8 so I could run the first 8 miles out with her. Our run's today were followed by massages by students at the Cortiva Massage Institute!

Run Info:
Distance: 8.0 miles
time: (ok so I don't have it because Christie borrowed my watch for the rest of her run and I don't have a total time for my run)
Mile 1: 10:09
Mile 2: 8:51
Mile 3: 9:21
Mile 4: 9:52
Mile 5: 9:45
Mile 6: 10:22
Mile 7: 9:25
Mile 8: 9:44

Friday March 13th - I've been sick

Well as you can see there have been no posts this week. I woke up sick with a cold Monday morning and have been fighting it off along with taking 2 exams this week. I made the hard decision that my body needed the sleep and rest to get through this cold & the exams and skipped my workouts.
Today however Christie and I hit the streets looking for businesses to donate raffle prizes for us. We then went to the gym to do a very light upper body lifting to be followed by core work!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Saturday March 7th, 2009....What A Great Run!

Today was my longest run yet this winter - 12 miles. The sun was shining and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day for a run. We got started and the sun was shining warming all of us up quickly. As I shed my layers and felt my legs wanting to move faster I finally give in to them and see how long it lasts. Lucky for me, my legs held out and I had a super fast run!! Check out all the info below.
Run Info:
Distance: 12.18 mi
Overall Time: 1:50:53
  • overall average pace 9:06min/mi
  • first 3 miles 28:13 with an average of 9:24 min/mi
  • mile 4: 9:18
  • Mile 5: 8:59
  • Mile 6: 8:38
  • Mile 7: 9:00
  • Mile 8: 10:02
  • Mile 9: 8:03
  • Mile 10: 8:56
  • Mile 11: 9:03
  • Mile 12: 8:48
Course: Out to Comm Ave, up Heartbreak hill and return
Weather: warm and sunny

Thursday March 5th, 2009

This morning I hit the roads for a short run in between all of my studying. I didn't bring my watch or anything else, I just went out to enjoy my time running.

Wednesday March 4th, 2009 - Strength Training

Tonight I met up with one of my other teammates, Jess Zahka to do a strength training workout. I am pretty sure she will be cursing at me for a while.

  • Chest Press x 3 sets 15 lbs
  • Bench Crunches
  • Pull Backs x 3 sets 20lbs
  • Bench Crunches - diamond's
  • Skull Crushers x 3 sets 5 lbs
  • Bench Crunches x 3 sets
  • Butterflies on ball x 3 sets
  • Leg Raises
  • Butterflies seated x 3 sets
  • Scissor Kicks x 3 sets
  • Overhead press x 3 sets
  • 1 Hand deadlift x 3 sets
  • Pendulums

Tuesday March 3rd....It's still snowing

Well after my 10 mile run last Thursday I was out of town for the weekend and enjoyed the break from working out. However Mother Nature decided to make her presence known yet again. Monday all of the east coast (all the way from Georgia through Maine and VT) were hit by a significant snow storm. It made getting back home a little bit challenging but eventually I was there and ready to run in the morning. I was anxious to run outside despite the snow banks but I was out voted by Emily & Bob so the treadmill it was.
Run Info:
Distance: 3.5mi
Not sure of time etc.... oops!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thursday February 26th, 2009 What a gorgeous sunrise over heartbreak hill

I am traveling this coming weekend but realize how crucial this run really is for me. I decided to do my long run Thursday morning and have that out of the way. Christie is a wonderful friend and agreed to do 9 of the 10 miles with me. I figured if I do 9 of the 10 miles with her I can do my last mile easily. Christie and I met at Forever Fit at 5:30AM to head out. It was a little chilly to begin with but we quickly warmed up. Christie and I had a fun enjoyable run together. We chatted at a nice casual pace the entire way. As we came up to the top of Heartbreak hill we saw the most gorgeous sunrise. What a really enjoyable moment.
Christie and I finished our 9 mile run at Forever Fit and I headed out to do my last mile, feeling great that my 10 miles were accomplished before most people were out of bed!
Run Info:
Course: Out to marathon course, into the city and back
Distance: 10 miles
Over all time: 1: 44: 23
Average Pace: 10:23 min/mi
  • Mile 1: 10:28
  • Mile 2: 10:47
  • Mile 3: 10:14
  • Mile 4: 10:13
  • Mile 5: 10:49
  • Mile 6: 10:49
  • Mile 7: 10:50
  • Mile 8: 9:29
  • Mile 9: 10:05
  • Mile 10: 10:17

Tuesday February 24th, 2009.....Way Too Cold Out

Emily and I met up at Forever Fit this morning for a run, Bob bailed on us. We decided it had dried up enough outside to heat for our run. (Yay! No treadmill!). Or so we thought. Emily and I headed out and it was cold....we ran about 0.25mi down the road and it was so cold out we turned around and went back to the club! We then hit up the treadmills for a 3.0 mi run inside. Hopefully it will warm up before Thursday....

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday February 21st 2009

Today I met the team to build up my milage again. We ran an out and back along the Charles River. I ran with Christie and Mike, 2 of my partners in crime. I think Mike hacked up a long during the run, Christie realized how sad she is that she backed out of the Reach The Beach relay for this year, and I must have given Mike the 1 fingered salute at least a dozen times! Over all we had a lot of fun during our run. The way out was warm and I felt good, although we tried to keep our pace a little slow as to practice for marathon day paces. The way back was very windy and cold!! I was ready for the run along the river to be over just to get away from the wind! I felt really good during the run today which I am very excited about. My last mile I had to get the extra energy out of me so took off at a very fast pace - something tells me I had a little too much left at that point.

Run Info:
Distance: 10.01 miles
Time: 1:38:07
Average Pace: 9:48 min/miles
Location: Charles River run on the Cambridge side

Thursday February 19th 2009, Thanks Alicia!

I know I haven't written about any workouts in 2 days - that's because they just haven't happened. I spent all day Tuesday studying and overslept for a lift Wednesday morning. This morning's weather was cruddy, something between a snow and a sleet and a rain....nothing I wanted to run outside in. I met my girlfriend Alicia at the gym to get a workout in. Although Alicia is not training for the marathon she did keep me entertained on the treadmill so I could get at least 3 miles in. Thanks Alicia!!

Run Info:
Distance: 3.0miles
Time: 28minutes
Location: treadmill

Monday February 16th 2009, It's a strength training day

This morning was a strength training day. I went in to do the cable machine workout that Scott has provided me. (see his website below so I can give him prop's for dealing with me so much). The workout felt great. I do each exercise for a minute before moving quickly to the next one.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Saturday February 14th 2009 Happy Valentines Day

Well the VERY long week is finally over and I was getting to sleep in until 7AM before getting up to meet the team for my long run. Of course the sleeping in didn't happen when my phone rang at 6AM - but that's a whole other story.
I met the team at Forever Fit at 7:45AM for an 8AM run. Everyone was running 16 miles today, except me I was running 8 miles - sticking to my low miles run faster & no injuries plan. (It makes my coaches nutty because it follows no logic but it works for me!)
I started out with Christie, my plan was to run to the 6 mile mark and then turn back and run 2 miles back to the 4 mile water stop so that I could get into a car and be done with my run. This made it so I did most of my run with people. I ran with Christie until mile 6 and felt great.

Run Info:
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 1:18:20
Average Pace: 9:47min/mi
Course: Out to the marathon course, up heartbreak and back that way
Weather: It was a beautiful winter day for a run!

Thursday February 12th 2009

This morning was a short run, I have had a very rough week at school so decided to leave the watch at home and just take a fun jog.
I ran on the roads of the short loop around the river which is about 2.5miles and just enjoyed the day.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tuesday February 10th: Down but not for the count....

Ok this morning Bob and I agreed to meet at the club for a run at 8am. And we did a much better job of communicating this week so we were both actually there. It was just the 2 of us and neither of us were very decisive on the route we should run. Bob needed to do a few more miles than me so he planned to come back and do those on the treadmill afterwards. We decided to try the river loop, a run we haven't done in a while due to conditions but Bob said the sidewalks looked pretty clear on his drive in. This was an obvious situation where things are not always as they appear. We got out there to much icier side walks than anticipated which meant a slower pace. We were making it along nicely until all of the sudden my feet were out from under me and down I went! I was back up in a minute and off we went again. Overall the run was pretty good and it was nice to get outside for a while.

Run Info:
Distance: 4.0miles
Time: 39:00
Average Pace: 9:50 min/mi
course: Charles River

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Saturday February 6th: It was a rough week

As you can see from my blog there have been no entries since Tuesday...because I have not done any workouts. I became consumed by schoolwork and a migraine - my body was forcing me to take a break.
I decided to continue to give my body the break it needed by only running 6 miles today. The run went well the 1st half going by quickly. We went out to the marathon course and ran up heartbreak hill and back to Forever fit.

Run Info:
Distance: 6.34mi
Time: 1:02:03
Course: From Forever Fit to the marathon course and up heartbreak hill (or at least part of it)
mile 1: 9:28
mile 2: 9:51
Mile 3: 9:55
Mile 4: 9:50
Mile 5: 9:12
Mile 6.3: 10:12

Friday, February 6, 2009

Tuesday February 3rd

So mis-communication happened this morning for my run! Bob and I should take out billboards to communicate sometimes- today was one of those days. So I ended up on the treadmill by myself and only lasted 2 miles...but I was sore and tired so that happens.

Distance: 2 miles
Times: somewhere around 18minutes

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday January 31st 2009 You Can Eat Candy While Running?

This morning was time for another team run. We were all at Forever Fit early so that we could hear the Sports Nutritionist Nancy Clark speak. I have been lucky enough to hear Nancy speak several times but as always it was great to hear her and you take away something different each time. Nancy talked about how we need to fuel our bodies all day long, how to fuel leading up to the marathon and of course how to fuel during the marathon. And yes you can eat candy, in fact it works just as well as the Gu's or Power Gels. Hmmm...I knew I had a sweet tooth for a reason.

This week was a down week for my training. I only had to run 6 miles which felt good to my body, it was ready for a break. I ran to Betty (who was wonderful enough to do water stops for us again) and helped her finish handing out Gatorade and then got a ride back to Forever Fit.

Run Info:
Distance: 6.0 mi
Location: We ran out to the marathon course and then headed backwards on the marathon course - resulting in having to run up Grossman's Hill (normally we get to run down it which is much more fun!)
Time: 58:03
Average Pace: 9:40 min/mi
splits to come...

On Another Note....
This afternoon after my run I raced home to get showered and changed and then headed over to Harvard to watch an indoor track meet. Sarah Hall, who I helped coach when she ran in high school, was running for UNH today. It is her senior year of running track for them and I want to make as many meets in Boston as I can. Sarah came and found me before her race and managed to let me know she was not happy about running the 400 M and that she was even less pleased about being in the fast heat. (You would have thought I was coaching her again!). I reminded her that this is good for her, she is good at it, no matter how much she hates it. While Sarah went to warm up and check in I got to watch some of the other track events. I love running Marathons, but I often forget how much fun track meets are. There were some great races watching those who knew how to go out, work efficiently and win to those who just went out with all their guts and heart and left it all out there.
Sarah had a great race, it was a very fast heat which made it difficult for her. In good tradition Sarah had to throw up after her 400m (she has done this after every 400m since I met her). I wandered over with gum for her, made sure we found her some powerade and enjoyed spending time with her. I have always loved watching Sarah race, and will be enjoying it as much as I can during her senior year.

Thursday January 29th 2009

Ok yesterday I skipped my first strength training workout since the 1st of the year. Hmm...this did not make me happy. Not only that but I still had to get new running shoes (this mission was accomplished this afternoon) so I needed to hold off on my run until I got the new running shoes. I met Emily instead to do a yesterday's strength training workout and rested my feet for a day. Oh yes and bought new running sneakers!

  • Chest Press x 3 sets 10 lbs
  • Pull Backs x 3 sets 20lbs
  • Skull Crushers x 3 sets 5 lbs
  • Bench Crunches x 3 sets (last 2 sets with 5lb dumbbell held between feet)
  • Butterflies on ball x 3 sets
  • Knee to Chest on Ball x 3 sets
  • Butterflies seated x 3 sets
  • Scissor Kicks x 3 sets
  • Overhead press x 3 sets
  • 1 Hand deadlift x 3 sets
  • Pendulums

Wednesday January 28th So Much For That

Well New England has taken a beating this winter with storms and today was to be no exception. Between up late studying, up early to get ready for my commute to classes, coordinating everything at work, commuting back and forth to class, and working the workout just did not happen today! There is always tomorrow......

Tuesday January 27th: The Treadmill is Evil!!!

This morning I was meeting Bob for our Tuesday morning run. Emily had to be at a work meeting so she was unable to join us, which meant we were able to push our run back to 8AM vs 7AM, which was nice for me since it meant almost 6 hours of sleep for me!
When I got to the club Bob asked if we could run on treadmills instead since he was starting to fight a cold. I was fine with this even though I truly hate the treadmill! I survived my treadmill run and my feet were letting me know each step of the way I needed new running shoes ASAP - project of the week.

Run Info:
Location: treadmill
Time: 29:19
Distance: 3.0 MI
Average Pace: 9:41

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday January 26th: Start of the week

I spent yesterday taking another rest day and recovered from the 10 mile run on Saturday. I was up early this morning to be at the gym for 6:20AM to get my strength training workout in before heading over to classes for the morning.
My sleep has become limited since starting classes between class, work, studying and of course fitting in my workouts. But so far I am balancing things - at least with a lot of help from caffeine.

Workout: (not really sure how many reps I did per set so I just put the number of sets per exercise)
Deadlift x 3
Bench Crunch x 3
Bent over row x 3
Leg Raises x 3
Overhead press x 3
Side Crunch with Dumb bell x 3
Upright Row x 3
Side Step Ups x 3
1 Hand Snatch x 3
Triangles x 3
Bench Press x 3
Leg Kicks x 3
Resistance Bicep Curls x 3

Monday, January 26, 2009

Saturday January 24th "The Infamous Hopkinton Run"

Well I used yesterday as a day of rest, although I spent a great deal of time in class and studying so I think that should count for something. This morning was the morning of the "infamous Hopkinton run". We all carpool out to the start line of the Boston Marathon to run 5 miles out on the course and then turn around and run 5 miles back.
For those of you who are not familiar the first half (or more) of the marathon course is mostly down hill which take a great toll on your quads because you are consistently "breaking" along the way. So when we run the out and back at the start line, not only do we run 5 miles downhill but then we must turn around and run 5 miles up hill (and that hill is much bigger than you realize while running downhill!).
In the past this run has not only been brutal because of the course, but it also is a bit mentally defeating as we are not used to running back into Hopkinton and it has been horrendously cold for the last few years.
Saturday morning many of us met at Forever Fit at 6:45AM to carpool out to the start line. Once we arrived Vic dragged us out of our cars so we could fill out our BAA application, it's time for things to start becoming official. I am running the Boston Marathon!
Thankfully the weather wasn't nearly as cold today as it hsa been in past years or past weeks. I got started with Emily and in all of our excitement we started out at a very fast pace. We slowed down and found Christie and the 3 of us worked on settling into a comfortable pace. Just over a mile into the run, we all really had to pee!! The only problem with this is there were huge snowbanks in the way of getting to any tree's....hmm. Well thankfully the snowbanks are huge and work just as well if you have friends that are willing to look out for you. It reminds me of an advertisement Nike used to run of a runner peeing behind a tree with her friend watching out and it said was "Runners yea we're different".
We continued to settle into a comfortable pace, ran along enjoying the morning and eachother's company, and of course the grumpy drivers on the road who felt we should not be on the road running.
Overall I am very happy with my run.
Run Info:
Distance: 10.0 mi
Time: 1:36:56
Average Pace: 9:41
Weather: really cold!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday January 22nd

Today's run took a great deal of effort to get me out the door. I realize I seem to be writing that everyday this week but my body is adjusting to adding classes into my schedule, studying, along with work and of course getting in my workouts. I was yawning when I headed out the door to fit in a short run but as always I feel so much better once I was done.

Run Info:
Distance 3.0miles
Time: 31:14
Location: Out towards Comm Ave and back

Next run in Hopkinton on Saturday!

Wednesday January 21st.

Today was a very long day which meant for a struggle to fit the workout in. I have been lifting consistently every Monday and Wednesday for the past 2 weeks, this was going to make week #3 so I really didn't want to miss it. My alarm went off at 0500 and I hit snooze once, when the alarm went off again I realized I was not getting up....I need more than 4 hours of sleep...I really wanted 5 hours. I went to 3 hours of classes and then straight to work until 9pm that night when I finally got my workout in. I pushed through it in 45 minutes but I felt great about getting this lift in.

  • Chest Press x 3 sets 10 lbs
  • Pull Backs x 3 sets 20lbs
  • Skull Crushers x 3 sets 5 lbs
  • Bench Crunches x 3 sets (last 2 sets with 5lb dumbbell held between feet)
  • Butterflies on ball x 3 sets
  • Knee to Chest on Ball x 3 sets
  • Butterflies seated x 3 sets
  • Scissor Kicks x 3 sets
  • Overhead press x 3 sets
  • 1 Hand deadlift x 3 sets
  • Pendulums

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday January 21st

Well last night I got about 5 hours of sleep which my body will be quicly adjusting to because it is about to become a regular pattern. I am starting classes this semester and needed to get my readings done for Anatomy & Physiology II which I am taking via hybrid (for those not familiar these means I am taking the lecture portion of my class online and then go to lab once a week).

I got up early to meet Emily for a run on the treadmill, unfortunetly I apparently just sucked at this run and the worse part was I couldn't even blame it on a lack of sleep. I was simply not running well on the treadmill this morning and was not in the mood to remain running on the treadmill. I cut the run short on that note and will be doing my run outside on Thursday!

Run Info:
Distance: 2.5mi
Location: treadmill
Time: 24:21

Monday January 20th Happy Martin Luther King Day

Today was a cross-training day for me, and I was ready after taken yesterday off to recover from a very strong 8 mile run on Saturday. I met Emily at the club at 7AM (yes it was early) to do a half hour of cardio and then I did cable training on my own.

I did a 1/2 hour on the eliptical - hill setting.

For my cable workout I do every exercise for 1 minute (if it is an one sided exercise I do it bi-laterally for a minute each):
  • Bicep Kiss
  • Bicep Punch
  • Canoe Row
  • Lat pulldown on Ball
  • Pull-Twist-Punch
  • Shoulder Fly on Ball
  • Standing Low Row
  • Torso Twist

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sat Jan 17th.....Can I Skip Straight To The Half Hour Hot Shower???

Well I didn't think I could "bitch" anymore about the cold than I had done on Tuesday morning but apparently it is possible. Yesterday as I rolled out of bed I checked the weather to discover my run would be start in a frigid temperature of -2 degrees. YIKES!!!!
Despite knowing the temperature I began to pile on some layers, packing more in my bag to add when I got to the club right before my run. I knew I had teammates (especially Emily - who if she didn't show I was going to kick), Coach Duncan and Vic all waiting for me to go running with them. I got the club and there was a huge group there! Good! I was glad to see I was not the only one braving the frigid temperatures to go for my run. After layering on running tights, with windpants over them, a long sleeve running shirt, a heavier long sleeve running shirt, windbreaker, hat and gloves I was finally ready to head out for my 8 mile run.
Although I think Emily and I whined for the first 2 miles of our run, Shifter (who runs for Dana Farber and I think everyone in the running community knows) agreed it was cold but it could certainly be colder. By mile 2 we were warming up and when we got to the water stop of seeing Jamie at mile 3 we were feeling pretty good. The 8 miles went well today, it helps to pass the time with friends. Although we were missing Elan - because apparently he is becoming a wuss as he is now old, and Bob - who has a good excuse...Bob finished his MBA program at Babson on Friday. Congrats Bob!
It took some time for each of us to warm up after the run...I believe many of us tried to set a new record of the longest hot shower we could take. :)

Run Info:
Course: Starting at Forever Fit running out to the marathon course, up heartbreak, back down and back to Forever Fit
Distance: 8 Miles
Time: 1:17:11
Average Pace: 9:37 min/mile

Please help me reach my fundraising goal by making a tax deductible donation at

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday January 16th

Today I missed Group Centergy but I did get some gentle stretching in, used the foam roller and had a nice pasta dinner to get ready for tomorrow morning's early, cold run.

Thursday Jan 15th...busy day but lack of a workout

Yes that title is right unfortunately there was no workout today. I spent my morning running around at MassBay Community College getting myself into the classes Anatomy & Physiology I and Anatomy & Physiology II for the semester. The good news is after today I have my class schedule set and that I have my runs set into my schedule!

I did get an ab workout in:
3 sets x 15 reps Supermans
3 sets x 15 reps Bridge
3 sets x 15 reps Metronome
3 sets x 50 reps Bicycle crunches

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wed Jan 14th

Today was a strength training day for me. I have spent last Wednesday and this past Monday with Brian (a personal trainer at work) doing strength training routines and was ready to do it on my own. This morning my running partner/partner in crime Emily was joining me for our strength training workout.

Workout: (not really sure how many reps I did per set so I just put the number of sets per exercise)
Deadlift x 3
Bench Crunch x 3
Bent over row x 3
Leg Raises x 3
Overhead press x 3
Side Crunch with Dumb bell x 3
Upright Row x 3
Side Step Ups x 3
1 Hand Snatch x 3
Triangles x 3
Bench Press x 3
Leg Kicks x 3
Resistance Bicep Curls x 3
Decline bench with resistance x 3
Decline crunch with resistance x 3

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tues January 13th

I, along with others apparently, heard my alarm go off this morning and did not want to get out of my bed. In fact I was about to hit the snooze button for the 2nd time when I received a text message from Emily saying good morning. I had to no choice but to get out of bed and start putting layers on because I had both Bob and Emily waiting to meet me for a run together.

I got to the club to meet them and as Emily and I were standing there waiting to start our run we realize Bob never wrote back to either of our text messages and was late...was he coming? A quick phone call to find out Bob was in the parking lot, a great deal of harassment to Bob (he claims he got yelled at) for being late and we were off to get in a 4 mile run.

Once we got going and played dodge the snowbanks Emily and I commented on how really cold out it was. There were threats of a snowbank tossing (from Bob), the decision to tell Bob that we were running at 6:30AM from now on so he is actually on time was discussed and of course a great 4 mile run.

Run Info:
Distance: 4.23mi
Time: 40:57
Average Pace: 9:38/mi

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jan 12th....Way Too Early

This mornings workout was very early for me at 6:45AM knowing I have to work until 10pm tonight. I met with Brian again to do another strength training workout. Yet again I have no idea how many reps per set but here are the sets and exercises:

  • Chest Press x 3 sets 10 lbs
  • Pull Backs x 3 sets 20lbs
  • Skull Crushers x 3 sets 5 lbs
  • Bench Crunches x 3 sets (last 2 sets with 5lb dumbbell held between feet)
  • Butterflies on ball x 3 sets
  • Knee to Chest on Ball x 3 sets
  • Butterflies seated x 3 sets
  • Scissor Kicks x 3 sets
  • Overhead press x 3 sets
  • 1 Hand deadlift x 3 sets
  • Incline Press x 3 sets 7lbs
  • Behind Head Extensions x 3 set

Jan 11th Core Strengthening

Recovering from yesterday's run I did some light stretching and core strengthening exercises.

3 sets x 10 reps Supermans
3 sets x 10 reps Bridge
3 sets x 10 reps Metronome
3 sets x 50 reps Bicycle crunches

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Theory Of Running Faster Will Make You Warmer Jan 10th

This morning run was a cold one, and I knew it was going to be a cold one before I even rolled out of bed. My morning originally started at 5:30AM when I woke up with a start thinking I had overslept for my run, and to say the least I was ecstatic that I had at least another 90 minutes of sleep before rolling out of bed for my run! I got up and convinced myself that putting on several layers of running clothes to hopefully be warm enough for my run seemed like lots of fun and then headed off to Forever Fit to meet everybody.

We had a large group joining us this morning, welcoming back old friends from other teams, teammates and new comers to our group. We met with our new Arthritis Foundation representative, someone who is very familiar to many of us, Vic Acosta who was my first marathon coach.

It was very deceiving outside with the sun coming out and that the run may not be nearly as cold as planned. Deceiving is the key word as it was frigid out there and despite how many layers I had on I was cold to begin with and thought running faster might help me warm up. To say the least my legs never really warmed up but I still kept up a great pace.

After this mornings run a group of 9 of us headed out for a post-run meal at Cabot's where we worked on our re-fueling by seeing how much food we could eat! Below are the stats from today's run and soon I will add in pictures.

The Run Info:
Distance: 8.0mi
Time: 1:16:11
Mile 1: 9:28
Mile 2: 9:26
Mile 3: 9:28
Mile 4: 10:02
Mile 5: 9:13
Mile 6: 9:13
Mile 7: 9:49
Mile 8: 9:27
The Course: Watertown St., to Walnut St. to Comm Ave running towards Boston on the Marathon course and back.

starting temperature 7 degrees!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fighting with my trainer January 7th

Today I did Cross-Training with my personal trainer at work. I am waiting for him to write down what we did so I can record it on here however this much I can tell you....I believe I told him we were fighting after the workout! He made me work hard with weights and core strengthening. I will get the workout and record it on here as soon as he gives it to me :)

Warm Up
run on the treadmill
time: 9:30
Distance: 1.0mi

Workout: (not really sure how many reps I did per set so I just put the number of sets per exercise)
Deadlift x 3
Bench Crunch x 3
Bent over row x 3
Leg Raises x 3
Overhead press x 3
Side Crunch with Dumb bell x 3
Upright Row x 3
Side Step Ups x 3
1 Hand Snatch x 3
Triangles x 3
Bench Press x 3
Leg Kicks x 3
Resistance Bicep Curls x 3
Decline bench with resistance x 3
Decline crunch with resistance x 3

These are done 2 exercises at a time, alternating between the two for 3 sets and then onto the next pair of exercises

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Getting On The Right Path January 3rd

This morning was the first time in several weeks I joined my teammates for our long run at Forever Fit. Since I last saw them we have had 2 major snow storms, Christmas, Chanukah, New Years and of course I have had bronchitis.
Now due to being sick I have not run more than 1 mile in about 2 weeks. This morning would have been an easy morning for me to stay in bed as I took migraine med's last night before heading to bed. However I knew a run must happen no matter the length and being forced to bundle up for it with others is so much better than doing it alone.
I ran my 5 miles with Elan who is not doing a spring marathon but somehow is convinced to come out with us anyways. After our run 5 of us went out to breakfast together to re-fuel and enjoy good time together.

The Run Info:
Distance: 5.0mi
Location: Out to the marathon course and then backwards on the course heading towards Wellesley
Time: 50:33

Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2, 2009

After taking time off this week to try and rid myself of bronchitis I went to Group Centergy tomorrow. Check out below for a description of what this class entails. I felt great doing it and hopefully working on my flexibility will help me with my running.

Group Centergy: Redefine yourself with Group Centergy. Grow longer and stronger as you explore this 60 minute journey of yoga and Pilates movements. Positive uplifiting music, group dynamics and supportive instructors will enable you to center your energy, reduce stress and even smile!