I don't know why but I don't do recovery runs. Yup Coach Duncan and Coach Vic you just read that correctly! I do walk around and stretch out but I don't do recovery runs. Today however was a very special exception. My Aunt Cheri and good friend Michelle were participating in the Danskin Triathlon. Last year Aunt Cheri did this with me, but due to my knee not loving biking I choose not to this year. This was Michelle's first triathlon ever and she did great! A few weeks ago Michelle was very close to not doing it! After some discussion we agreed that I would hop into the run with her. Hence my recover run of 3 miles. Everyone who participated in Danskin today did amazing! It was a wonderful experience.
Well according to Duncan's email today was supposed to be a time trial run. Hmmmm that sounds fast to me but it actually wasn't bad. After Coach Duncan's begging email we had a few more people at this Saturday's run which was really nice. We got to see familiar faces like Paci and Glen, met Christine who is new to the NY team, and Laura who is also running NY. The goal of today's run was consistency. We need to do this run at our marathon pace the entire time. (making it diferent than a run where we are aiming for negative splits). Today was along the Charles River again and yet again a warm summer day.
Run Info: Distance: 8.0miles Time: 1:18:54 Average Pace: 9:51 min/mi Splits:
Miles 1 & 2 : 19:37:07
Milese 3&4: 19:48:89
Mile 5: 10:05.85
Mile 6: 9:48.80
Mile 7: 9:51.44
Mile 8: 9:41.20
ok so overall...fairly consistent just not perfect :)
Happy 27th Birthday Jessica!!!!! (clearly today is my cousins birthday!!)
Today was a hard workout for me...but enjoyable. It consisted of a short hard run with accelerations to be followed by Group Power. The run was short on time so I had to push to get it in and Group Power always kicks my butt.
So I missed both my cross-trainings and my run on Tuesday but it was all for a good reason! I had probably the best pt of my life ....hanging out with an old friend. We spent about 2 days just talking and catching up...what a wonderful time. I will do this any day, anytime, sometimes a good healthy dose of reality check is necessary.
Ok it is a Saturday and it is time for me to be more consistent in returning to my teammates on our long runs. Problem was is where did the rest of the team go?? This morning there was 4 of us including Coach Duncan. hmmm....time to start emailing the team! We were doing 10-12miles on the Newton Hills, my plan was to do 8miles. Although going to bed Friday night I was not sure anyone was running but me and Bob so I had figured I would my absolute best to run 10 miles with him or keep with him for as long as I could on my way out, turn and let him catch me on the way back. Thankfully neither of these plans needed to occur. Bob, Sean, Duncan and I ran the first 4 miles together and then Duncan ran my last 4 miles with me.
Run Info: Distance: 8 mi Time: 1 hour 19 min Course: Newton Hills - which is Forever Fit out to the marathon course, up heartbreak and back Weather: Miserable! It was 79 and 100% humidity when we started!!!
Skirt Sports is encouraging everyone they know to get their bodies moving on Thursdays so today was my first contribution to their milage! Distance 4.0mi Time: 39 min Course: along the charles river
Ok I apparently decided I don't have enough going on this fall with my 3rd Reach The Beach Relay, The Philadelphia Marathon 2009 on November 22nd, and of course finally starting nursing school. I decided to register for the BAA Half Marathon in October, something I have never done. Everyone loves it so I am all set to run it. I guess I should stick with this whole training thing...on that note today was another strength training day.
Same as always: I do 2 exercises alternating back and forth between the 2 until I have covered 3 sets of each.
Today I drove to the garage to drop off the jeep and what a great way to force me into my run! I am still working on my motivation level and getting into a routine. But as always I have much I wanted to get done.... I ran 1.5mi after I dropped off the jeep and then was at my nail salon, so I went in for a break and getting a color change on my nails. (I believe if any of my coaches are reading this they are currently horrified!) Then I finished my run by cranking out another 1.5 miles making my totals: Distance: 3.0mi Time: 28:00
.....yup that's right you're seeing statistics....my old wonderful Garmin Running Watch was found and returned!!
Yup that's right I am back to strength training. It's not fun, it's not enjoyable but apparently it must be done. (Or so they keep telling me and with me getting faster in my marathon times I don't dare argue!) Today was upper body and core strengthening first thing in the morning. I don't know how many reps I did except I do as before...alternate between the 2 exercises for 3 sets going until I want to die then 2 more
This morning was supposed to be a run with Bob at 8:30am to be followed by Group Power at 9:30am. Hmmmm none of this went as planned!! Bob called me at 8ish to tell me a co-worker was throwing up at work so he needed to bail on the run, then Alicia couldn't make Group Power! I continued on my studies until mid-morning until I went and ran a short 3 miles....can't give you any info as I still have no watch!! One of these days I will suck it up and buy a new one....
Ok so it doesn't seem that enjoyable but today I was stressing about studying so decided to add it into my workout. Today was 40minutes of cross training on the eliptical with my Anatomy & Physiology notes in front of me....
No I haven't just been slacking on posting...I have been slacking in general. I did finally register for the 2009 Philadelphia Marathon. I also spent my time this week submerged in studying to test out of both Microbiology and Anatomy & Physiology this summer.
Today however I dragged myself out of bed to at least do something!! I did a half hour video of ab workouts. Trust me I will be feeling that tomorrow!